Let’s highlight
the advantages of the distribution of interchangeable gases versus the distribution of a single energy source.
The availability of a gas mixture that is interchangeable
with a primary gas (interchangeability is given by a mixture ratio which delivers the same Wobbe Index of the primary gas) provides gas distribution companies and energy managers the option to distribute a gas mixture
as an alternative or in addition to a primary gas. In the
field, this option means:
• Reducing strategic dependence;
• Increasing negotiating power;
• Managing peak shaving;
• Covering peaks of demand.
An example is the distribution of SNG (synthetic natural
gas), a mixture of LPG (liquified petroleum gas) and air
regulated to deliver the same Wobbe Index of natural gas.
• By distributing SNG where natural gas is not available gas
distribution companies advance the delivery of natural gas;
• by distributing SNG as an alternative to natural gas, gas distribution companies reduce economic and strategic dependence on natural gas;
• by distributing SNG in addition to natural gas, gas distribution companies cover peaks of demand;
• by distributing SNG instead of bottled LPG, gas distribution companies enable their customers to operate more efficiently, reduce pollution, and increase safety.